BlueChew Review -Read before You Order the Magic ED Pills

Ahhh! That thrill of seducing a girl to the bedroom! That confidence of instantly reaching the pinnacles (read erections) and delving (read penetrating) into the depths of pleasure! That effortless arousal which brews the tempting ‘cock’-tail of lust and desire and leads you and your woman to those crazy fulfilling climaxes! Sigh! Those were the days when you would get rock hard, stay rock hard and perform like a rock star. Now, you are living with the bitter reality of erectile dysfunction.

But wait! Haven’t you heard about the ED pills? Of course, we all have. Which among them is the best one, you may ask next! Viagra got its patent expired a couple of months ago. And, there are hundreds of options competing hard to claim its position. BlueChew is one of them. In this review, our aim is to analyze every single aspect of this company and answer every important question about it that can help you decide better. Let’s start with it!

Who Are BlueChew Reviews for (and Not for)?

Let’s answer the second part of the question first (so that you can quit if there’s nothing relevant for you). Blue Chew is not an option for:

  • Treating Premature Ejaculation: While PE is as common as ED, the two conditions are absolutely unrelated. Blue Chew doesn’t claim to make you last longer.
  • Increasing Penis Size: Buddy! You are at the wrong place if you are looking for a few more inches. Blue Chew doesn’t offer to make you larger.

Please continue reading this if you suffer from erectile dysfunction. ED is the inability to get and maintain an erection adequate to penetrate a vagina during an intercourse.  Why does that even happen? In a simple language, it happens when a penis doesn’t fill with the sufficient amount of blood. Your soldier may continue to stand at ease with no mood to switch to the attention position.

What Causes ED: The underlying cause of ED is phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) enzyme which degrades the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), the nucleotide responsible for dilating blood vessels. When the production of cGMP is inhibited, the penile chambers don’t get the required amount of blood to acquire and sustain an erection. There are several factors that may lead to this:

  • Medical conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, high cholesterol, multiple sclerosis and more
  • Clogged blood vessels that prevent the proper flow of blood
  • Neurological impairments following the conditions like Parkinson’s disease
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol, tobacco and other types of drug/substance abuse
  • Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety
  • Stressful lifestyle at a personal or professional level
  • Certain medical treatments and surgical procedures
  • Performance anxiety (one of the top ED causes among young men)

So, does BlueChew offer a solution to ED? Find it out.

What Is BlueChew?

bluechew review

BlueChew is an online medication prescription and delivery service that deals with chewable ED tablets. The company offers two types of medications:

  • Sildenafil: If you know Viagra, chances are that you might be familiar with Sildenafil as Viagra’s active ingredient.
  • Tadalafil: What Sildenafil is to Viagra, Tadalafil is to Cialis! If you don’t already know, Cialis is another popular medication for treating ED.

So, what BlueChew does is that it brings together the two household male performance enhancement medications. And, that too through medical prescriptions from the medical professionals!

Yes! By doing so, the company addresses the most common concern of men who suffer from ED – visiting doctors and discussing a medical condition they find too embarrassing to talk about. BlueChew claims to have onboard the doctors trained by the likes of the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, John Hopkins School of Medicine and other institutes of repute. Also, these doctors receive certifications from the American Board of Family Medicine. It is one fact that most of the Blue Chew male enhancement reviews from the real customers of the company confirm.

The company started its journey in 2014 when a group of entrepreneurs came together and conceived the concept. As per their official website, they have so far made numerous appearances in the shows like The Adam Carolla Show, 83 Weeks, ESPN Pardon the Interruption and The Past Weekend with Theo Von. It is a Chicago, Illinois based company with delivery service in many states of the U.S.

Why Two Different Medications at One Place?

BlueChew prescribes either Sildenafil or Tadalafil to different patients based on the analysis of the individual needs. Let’s summarize the top features of both the medications:

Sildenafil Tadalafil
Known History Active ingredient in Viagra Active ingredient in Cialis
Dosages 30 mg, 45 mg 6 mg, 9 mg
Can Stay in Body for 4-6 hours 24-36 hours
Prescribed Mainly for Performance anxiety among young men, temporary ED (mainly due to psychological issues) Oder men (usually above 45), serious ED level
Best in Situation When You are sure about the timing of the sexual encounter (say after a movie date) You are not about the timing in a larger window of opportunity (say during a vacation)
Possible intake On demand (for special occasions) Daily

The company also allows the customers to switch from one medication to the other any time throughout the subscription period. It means that if Sildenafil doesn’t work, you may switch to Tadalafil and vice-a-versa.

What Do You Get in a BlueChew Subscription?

Once you visit the BlueChew website and opt for subscription, you get:

  • Consultation and prescription from one of the licensed BlueChew doctors.
  • Depending on which medication you choose, you would receive:
  • Sildenafil tablets (light blue in color) in a black pack or
  • Tadalafil tablets (dark blue) in a grey pack

It is worth mentioning here that each pill in these packs is individually wrapped, making it easy to take one at a time and keep the rest of them safely packed.

Also, the company takes care to keep the things absolutely discreet. For this, there are no labels on the box that you receive. It means that nobody else would know about the secret pills that you are about to try.

  • Round-the-clock customer support as well as medical support for all types of queries.

In addition, you get access to your personal dashboard from where you can easily manage your account to:

  • Cancel the subscription in case you are not satisfied with the results
  • Adjust the subscription by switching from one plan to another at any point of time
  • Switch from one medication to another (from Sildenafil to Tadalafil or the other way around)

If you are on a free trial, the BlueChew customer care would inform you about the expiry date of the offer 3 days in advance. If you wish to continue, you would be billed for the monthly subscription after the trial period ends. If you wish to cancel the subscription, you just need to contact the team at (970)GET-BLUE or [email protected] to get it done. Simple!

How Does BlueChew Work?

Just chew it and do it! BlueChew hold the record of being the first chewable ED medications. You can derive two aspects out of it:

  • Men who experience gag reflex while taking medications that need to be swallowed may find BlueChew a better alternative.
  • These tablets mix into the blood even before they reach the stomach and may begin their action much faster than the traditional pills.

The tablets act as PDE5 inhibitors to ensure a normal production of cGMP. The adequate level of cGMP increases the supply of blood to the penile chambers which leads to long-lasting erections. As per the company’s claim, Blue Chew tablets may begin to work within 15-20 minutes of their administration. If that’s true, it indeed is a significantly shorter waiting bracket for men to get into action.

Is BlueChew Legit?

Or, is it just another scam trying to cash on the desperate desire of men to turn into a performer once again? There are three things that indeed work in favor of the company:

  • First, it is in existence for about 6 years
  • Second, the trained doctors in the team have credentials you can easily verify
  • Third, it follows a definite prescription process and doesn’t prescribe medications randomly

The company doesn’t try to illegally sell or supply its ED medications to the states and territories which impose restrictions on telemedicine. These include Alabama, Idaho, North Dakota and Minnesota and Puerto Rico. The medications are also not available for the international sale or supply, not even in Canada.

Moreover, it is a subscription-based service that can be cancelled at any point of time (with no trails no extra costs). Even if you spend on it and feel unsatisfied after the first order itself, you don’t lose much money.

And! There is a refund policy in place as well. You can demand refund within 30 days of the order and they would acknowledge it. Only that you would be required to bear the shipping costs!

Is BlueChew Safe?

The doctors at BlueChew decide and prescribe the medications based on the patients’ answers to an array of 20 questions. Some of these questions include:

  • Are you looking for a way to improve your sexual activity?
  • What motivates you to consider BLUECHEW?
  • Do you take any ED medication at present?
  • Is it possible for you to walk a mile in up to 20 minutes?
  • In what time can you climb two flights of stairs?
  • Do you take nitrate medications at present?
  • Are there any kinds of prescription medications that you take at present?
  • Some other medications or supplements that you take at present?
  • Do any medication, foods or other factors cause allergies to you?
  • Are you diagnosed as unhealthy for a sexual intercourse?
  • Are there any other health conditions or surgical procedures you wish to share?
  • Have you ever taken any of the below mentioned medications?
  • Did you ever suffer from high blood pressure?
  • Did you ever suffer from low blood pressure?
  • Are you diagnosed with any heart conditions or symptoms like abnormal slow, fast or abnormal heartbeats?
  • Do you ever feel pain or pressure in chest or abnormal breathing?
  • Is there any history of you getting fainted or feeling dizzy?
  • Do you ever experience symptoms like fuzzy vision or headaches without any reason?
  • Do you have anything else to share with the doctor?

Based on the feedback that a patient provides, the BlueChew doctor would prescribe the medication in the right and safe quantity. They might straightaway deny prescription if they find a patient with risk factors or ineligibility to take these medications.

HIPAA Compliance: Another concern about the service is sharing private information (something as sensitive of a problem as erectile dysfunction) online. For this, Blue Chew boasts of fully HIPAA-compliant servers with the adequate level of security and privacy for the patients’ information.

FDA Approval: BlueChew uses only FDA-approved ingredients. The FDA lists both Sildenafil and Tadalafil as safe ingredients for the treatment of ED. However, you must understand that BlueChew medications result from drug compounding. The FDA doesn’t approve compounded medications. So, it is important that you are careful about the dosage that the doctors prescribe to you.

Side-Effects: Is BlueChew safe with no side-effects? Well, no! A number of patients report experiencing minor side-effects like headache, back pain, skin redness, lightheadedness, hot flashes and diarrhea. At the same time, there are patients who report none of these side-effects. It may vary from person to person. What we have found are the few recommendations on how to take BlueChew to keep it safe. More about it in the FAQ section!

Does BlueChew Work?

Now, that’s the bigger and the most important question! After all, you are about to gamble your time, money and hopes for a better sex life. One thing that raises the bar for BlueChew is that it uses the proven ingredients called Sildenafil and Tadalafil that respectively have been the active ingredients of Viagra and Cialis.

Another thing that most of the BlueChew reviews mention is that the tablets they offer have dual effects:

  1. They make the penis rock hard. It doesn’t mean that you get a new power, but the tablets restore your penis’s natural and original capability to perform.
  2. They maintain the sensitivity of the penis. It means that apart from performing better, you would enjoy as much as your partner would.

However, it is not easy to establish whether BlueChew medications are effective in all ED patients or not. For instance, men with aggressive level of ED might not find these and many other similar medications of much use.

How Much Does BlueChew Cost?

The price of BlueChew depends on the monthly subscription plan that you choose. The company offers 4 different plans for both Sildenafil and Tadalafil. Here are the details of what you would pay monthly:

Sildenafil Tadalafil
Active Number of Tablets: 6

Price for 30 mg: $20

Price for 45 mg: $30

Number of Tablets: 4

Price for 6 mg: $20

Price for 9 mg: $30

Busy Number of Tablets: 10

Price for 30 mg: $30

Price for 45 mg: $40

Number of Tablets: 7

Price for 6 mg: $30

Price for 9 mg: $40

Popular Number of Tablets: 17

Price for 30 mg: $50

Price for 45 mg: $65

Number of Tablets: 14

Price for 6 mg: $50

Price for 9 mg: $65

Pro Number of Tablets: 34

Price for 30 mg: $90

Price for 45 mg: $120

Number of Tablets: 28

Price for 6 mg: $90

Price for 9 mg: $120

You may decide the package based on your:

  • Need: How many times you think you would get lucky with your woman in a month?
  • Budget: How much money are you ok spending with to get lucky with your woman in a month?

Free Trial: One aspect which definitely draws attention towards BlueChew medications is the company’s free trial offer of one full month. For this, you must locate a coupon (a number of BlueChew affiliated sites offer them) and use it to unveil the trial period which offers:

  • Either free Active plan (for 1 month)
  • Or $20 discount on any other plan (for 1 month)

How Do BlueChew Compare with Other Popular ED Medications?

In order to understand whether BlueChew pills fare better than other medications or not, it makes sense to draw a brief comparison. So, here we go:

BlueChew Other ED Medications (like Viagra)
How to Take Chewable Swallowing pills (most of them)
Time to Action (on an average) 15-20 minutes 30-60 minutes
Price Much cheaper (around $3.5 per pill) Relatively expensive (above $15 per pill)
Dosage Up to 9 mg Tadalafil and up to 45 mg Sildenafil Up to 20 mg Cialis and up to 100 mg Viagra
Availability In the USA (except few states and territories) In a number of countries

What’s the Verdict?

There are several features based on which BlueChew does show potential in treating ED. However, as there are no concrete studies or research to establish. Their efficacy can be established only on the basis of individual experiences. What we can do is sum up the pros and cons of taking these medications that can help you decide better.


  • Save the awkwardness, waiting times and anxieties of visiting a doctor in person. BlueChew’s online assessment and prescription procedure is encouraging for many men to shed their inhibitions and discuss their conditions.
  • Tablets that are individually packed make these medications absolutely handy. You may always keep one or two ready in your pocket or wallet and take it when you sense a sexual encounter.
  • Being chewable, these are not only easy to take (no water needed), but also promise faster absorption and response so that you don’t miss even a single opportunity to get laid.
  • Customizable ED treatment plan based purely on your need. Save Sildenafil for special occasions while Tadalafil can be taken daily. Also, the subscription is easily manageable.
  • Free trial lets you analyze whether these pills actually work or not without paying any price. Also, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Ohh yes! We forgot to mention earlier. BlueChew tablets are flavored to taste like candies. You might not even feel you are taking a medication.


  • There can be side-effects. Though, that could be a case with any kind of medication and not just the ones for ED.
  • Might not work for aggressive ED patients.
  • The dosage of 30-45 mg for Sildenafil and 6-9 mg for Tadalafil might be inadequate (especially when compared to Viagra which is available in dosage up to 100 mg).
  • Not available across the nation.

Some BlueChew FAQs

How Long Does BlueChew Last?

Sildenafil may last for 4-6 hours while Tadalafil may stay in body for 24-36 hours. However, you need not worry about random erections after taking these pills. It is because of the dosage in which these medications are prepared.

How to Take BlueChew?

A number of Blue Chew male enhancement reviews might suggest taking two pills at a time for better results. However, you must strictly follow what the doctor from the company prescribes. In fact, it would be wiser to take just one half of a pill (yes! They can be easily cut with a knife) for the first time and watch out for the effects as well as the side-effects.

In addition, you must visit the official BlueChew website for more guidelines. For instance, they recommend taking these medications empty stomach for faster and better results.

How Do I Choose Between Sildenafil and Tadalafil?

The most important factor in this direction is the window of opportunity you foresee. If you believe there are high chances of a sexual encounter within few minutes of meeting her, go for Sildenafil. If you plan to spend a full day with her, Tadalafil may be better if the chance to take her to the bed gets delayed.

The Conclusion

On the scale of 1 to 5, we give a score of 3.5 to BlueChew on the basis of our analysis. Go for its free trial offer to conclude better.

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