Best Vibrating Cock Rings Picked by SEXPERTS for Stronger Orgasm

What are cock rings?

Cock rings are basically rings made up of different kinds of materials like silicone, rubber or even metal. Some are stretchable and some are not. Cock rings, as the name suggests, are rings that are worn around the penis and also the ball sack. They are made the squeeze the shaft of the penis and also squeeze the balls. For a new reader, this might sound like something very bizarre but trust us, this is exactly what you are looking for.

Many males go through embarrassing moments with their partners in bed when they ejaculate a bit too early. Some of you might end up with partners who are already willing to have sex and want it to be extremely amazing every time. Well, partners can be demanding and it is not possible to meet their heightened expectations every single time unless of course, you have something to back you up. Exactly, that’s what cock rings are made for.

Cock rings create a sensation of restriction around the penis and that in the first place, can also be very arousing to some people. Cock rings are also made to make your erections feel and seem stronger. When you wear a cock ring, it also makes the veins of your penis very visible by making them pop up. (The results of usage can differ from person to person). Cock rings can also make your dick look a little bigger. The constriction created by a cock ring also makes a lot of blood flow directly in the penis and this in turn enables you to have a monstrous erection and something that your partner would drool at. This is a great sex toy for people who are suffering from ED i.e. erectile dysfunction. Please consult your doctor if you have an ED before using a cock ring. We do not recommend you to use it without proper consultation with a certified doctor.

How to wear (Use) a cock ring?

  • Always go for a cock ring that is made up of highly stretchable and non-porous material like silicone. Silicone is always preferred by most of the users because it is highly durable and safe on the skin. They are easy to wear and easy to remove. The best perk about silicone cock rings is that it can easily be cleaned as it is waterproof and the material doesn’t stink. Silicone cock rings are the best choice for beginners as they are extremely comfortable to use, and they can nearly cause no harm to your penis even if you go wrong with them in your initial days. Once you are accustomed to how a cock ring feels and works, you can also switch to more advanced options and materials like metal. We would never recommend metal cock rings to beginners.
  • The flexibility of your cock ring matters a lot. If you land with a cock ring that is tight, you would not enjoy using it because it would not feel comfortable on your skin down there. Buy a stretchable cock ring so you can easily control the tightness of it. You won’t end up your penis this way and it would sit around your penis comfortably.
  • You can add up extra pleasure in your bedtime by going for cock rings that have raised heads. They are great for external stimulation. In case you are looking for something in the same vertical, do check out the We-Vibe (Pivot) and true Tenga (SVR).
  • We would always recommend you to pair your sex toys with a good quality lubricant. This not only helps you use your sex toys without any discomfort but also makes it safe for your partner and you. While using a cock ring, apply some lubricant around your cock ring and also your penis. This would make the cock ring glide in very easily. If you try to wear a dry cock ring on dry skin, you might end up causing a rash and irritation on your penis. You might also experience some pain while wearing.
  • There are many types of lubricants available in the market and you might not be wanting to spend a lot of time searching for a perfect lubricant. But a good lubricant is always a must. You should always go for water-based lubricants. There are also many silicone lubricants available in the market. You might end up creating a mess if you pair up your silicone cock ring with a silicone lubricant. This can damage the texture of your toy. If you want your cock ring to go on with you for a long time, please search for a good quality water-based lubricant. Just like silicone lubricants, oil-based lubricants can also damage the skin of your sex toy, and they are also very sticky. We are sure you don’t want it to be stinky and sticky.
  • A Cock ring must always be worn on a partially erect penis. While many of you might start making out with your partner and end up having an erection, in this case, trying to put on a cock ring with a hard erection can be very difficult and even painful. Do not try it even when you have applied a lot of lube. In this case, calm down for a while and try to put it on again when your penis is in a flaccid or semi-erect state. With a bit of lube, it would slide down easily causing you no pain or discomfort. Well, it might not hurt some people even when their penis is erect, but we can only suggest on an average basis, we would always recommend wearing it when your penis is semi-erect.
  • Many of you might be wondering about the exact position to stop a cock ring at. Well, the most common and comfortable position to place a cock ring is at the base of the penis. If you are using a dual cock ring, make sure that both the rings are in synchronization to your penis and ball sack alike. Don’t end up wearing it in such a state that it causes pain to either your penis or your balls. Beginners should always position it at the base of their penis as it would stay there without slipping out and it would also not hurt your testicles.
  • When you are using a cock ring and a condom together, make sure that you have some space between the cock ring and the rubber ring of the condom. We would always recommend using a condom whenever necessary. Cock rings and condoms don’t cause any kind of discomfort when used together.

Well, if you are buying a cock ring in the first place, you might have a lot of kinks filled inside you. Many people like experimenting a lot with their sex toys. They like finding multiple ways of using a single-sex toy and yes, there is nothing wrong with it. So if you have a single cock ring and you are willing to place it around the balls instead of the penis, please ensure the safety of your partner and handle it with extensive care. Once you reach the base of your penis, your cock ring would glide down easily. Very slowly, pass the cock ring behind one testicle at a time. Repeat the same process with the second testicle and let your partner settle with how it feels. Give it time before moving forward. The adjustable cock rings are relatively easier to use as they can be enlarged before passing them through the balls, so they are less likely to tighten on your balls causing you pain.

The most important consideration is that your cock ring must always make you feel good and not uncomfortable. If you experience any kind of pain, discomfort, rashes on the skin, numbness, or other grave signs like the change of your penis color, please stop using the cock ring immediately. Do not ignore these signs as this can cause serious damage to your little member. If you want to go on using it, please consult a doctor for combating these signs. It’s not about just you, in case your partner doesn’t feel good when you are having sex with the sock ring on, please don’t keep on using it. It’s only exciting when both parties enjoy it equally.

Best Cock Rings to Try Out as per Sexperts


Lovehoney Bionic Bullet 5 Function Vibrating Rabbit Cock Ring

Lovehoney Bionic Bullet 5 Function Vibrating Rabbit Cock Ring

  • This is a dual cock ring and this is very stretchable.
  • This cock ring comes with additional rabbit ears. Perfect for tickling your partner while having sex.
  • It’s a perfect cock ring for external clitoral stimulation and perineal stimulation while having sex.
  • The bullet vibrator can be used separately.
  • The dual rings enable you to have a strong hard-on and also delay your ejaculation making you last longer in bed.
  • Made of high-grade silicone.
  • Pair up with a water-based lubricant for the best user experience.


 We-Vibe Verge App Controlled Vibrating Cock Ring

 We-Vibe Verge App Controlled Vibrating Cock Ring

  • This is a vibrating cock ring that is also rechargeable.
  • It provides great perineal stimulation and the vibrations are fantastic.
  • This is a waterproof cock ring and it is very easy to clean and maintain
  • This cock ring is embedded with more than 10 vibration modes for a versatile experience.


Lovehoney Rabbit Rocker 10 Function Vibrating Cock Ring

Lovehoney Rabbit Rocker 10 Function Vibrating Cock Ring

  • This silicone cock ring is very stretchable and it has two rabbit ears attached to it.
  • This cock ring has dual rings and it also delivers powerful vibrations.
  • This is a remote-controlled cock ring so you can have fun with your partner.*
  • It can also give your partner a great clitoral stimulation while having sex
  • The remote controller is wireless so you are in for enjoying some hands-free fun.
  • The bullet vibrator can also be used separately.
  • Gives the best user experience when paired up with a water-based lubricant.


Happy Rabbit Remote Control Cock Ring

Happy Rabbit Remote Control Cock Ring

  • This cock ring is made up of high grade, non-porous silicone which is totally safe on the skin.
  • This is a remote-controlled cock ring that gives you the liberty to enjoy controlled pleasure at your fingertips.
  • This cock ring has added rabbit ears on the side for intense external stimulation
  • This is a great cock ring for strengthening your erection. It also helps a lot in delaying your ejaculation and making you last longer in bed.
  • Give the remote to your partner and let them control it for you
  • This cock ring fits many penis sizes and is very comfortable to wear.


Lovehoney Bionic Bullet 5 Function Vibrating Cock Ring

Lovehoney Bionic Bullet 5 Function Vibrating Cock Ring

  • This cock ring has a nice texture and it is combined with powerful vibrations that give pleasure to both the parties while using it.
  • Not only does it provide great pleasure, but it can also be used for external clitoral stimulation while having sexual intercourse.
  • The bullet vibrator can be used separately which makes it a two-in-one and versatile sex toy.
  • There are two rings in this cock ring so they can be worn around the penis and the ball’s simultaneously for an intense sensation.
  • This cock ring is made up of high-grade silicone
  • It gives amazing pleasure when paired up with a water-based lubricant.

The benefits of cock rings

Cock rings are a great way to make your sex life a lot easier. They offer multiple benefits to the user and also their partners.

  1. Cock rings help you maintain a hard erection, so they are great for people who have trouble having an erection or if they lose their erection often. (Your erection can also be affected by a lot of other factors like room temperature, mood, stress, and energy level) It taps the blood inside the shaft of your blood so you feel powerful down there.
  2. A tight cock ring also helps a user to combat venous leakage. This is also a kind of ED which causes the tissue of your penis falls loose. This way, your tissues fail to trap the blood inside the shaft of your penis.
  3. Performance anxiety is something that surrounds a lot of males when they are with their partners. A cock ring helps you maintain a hard erection and this in turn boosts your confidence and helps you have a perfect time in bed.
  4. Cock rings can help you delay your ejaculation. Dual cock rings that are worn around the ball sack are very effective in delaying ejaculation. This way you can please and thrust your partner for as long as they desire.
  5. Cock rings can make your erection look bigger and stronger. It can also make your veins pop up visibly. This creates a pleasing sight for your partner.

Types of cock rings


Adjustable cock rings

Adjustable cock rings

Adjustable cock rings have velcro or snaps fit with them so you can easily adjust the size while wearing them and remove them very easily. They are worn below the scrotum and also around your dick.


 Stretchable cock rings

 Stretchable cock rings

These cock rings are usually made up of non-rigid materials like silicone which are flexible in nature and they can be easily enlarged while wearing and they sit around tightly but comfortably around your penis and your ballsack. These cock rings are not extremely tight, so they are great for beginners.


Vibrating Cock rings

Vibrating Cock rings

Vibrating cock rings come with a little motor attached to them that delivers intense vibrations while using them. These cock rings are extremely arousing for you as well as your partner alike. These might function with batteries and sometimes they also come with a charger. Vibrating cock rings are mostly worn around the base of the penis and not around the testicles.


Solid cock rings

Solid cock rings

Solid cock are made up of rigid material like metal. These cock rings are rigid and not flexible at all. We do not recommend solid cock rings to beginners at all. Once you are done experiencing flexible cock rings, you can shift to a metal cock ring. It is important to buy a cock ring that fits you comfortably or you might end up causing serious damage to your penis because the pressure can damage your penis.


Safety measures to follow while using cock rings

It is mandatory to follow these simple measures while using a cock ring for having a safe and intense bedtime.

  • Make sure that the size of your ring is neither too tight nor too loose. You won’t like it if your cock ring slips out every now and then while you are thrusting inside your partner. In turn, you also would hate it if your cock ring is too tight and it causes discomfort and even pain. Make sure to choose the one which sits comfortably and tightly around your penis. To land up with a perfect one, go for a stretchable cock ring for e.g. a silicone cock ring.
  • Do not leave the cock ring on for too long. This is one of the most important things to keep in mind. You can end up permanently damaging your penis if you use a cock ring for too long. It can numb your penis and even cause a lot of discomforts. The ideal time that the sex experts suggest is 20 minutes at max. Don’t cross this bar.
  • To avoid any kind of discomfort while wearing it, please shave your pubic hair to a length that they do not get caught up inside the ring because it would hurt you a lot if they get pulled by the ring while having sex. It would totally be a mood spoiler.


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